Tattoo removal services

Removal of permanent makeup with a remover

This procedure involves a hardware chemical method of removing a tattoo, which uses a special tool. It does not dissolve the pigment like a laser, but starts a chemical reaction that removes the pigment from the skin.

A remover is a liquid that contains components similar in structure to pigments. During the procedure, the drug is injected into the depth of the pigment, where it interacts with it without affecting the dermis and blood vessels.

Each subsequent procedure with a remover lifts a new layer of pigment to the upper layers of the epidermis, allowing subsequent procedures to be carried out until the pigment completely disappears.

Unlike the laser, the remover has a more gentle effect on the skin of the face, so it is often used to remove eyebrow and lip tattoos. The statute of limitations for applying permanent makeup does not affect the effectiveness of this method. The color, the depth at which the pigment lies is also irrelevant.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Unsuccessful or asymmetrical shape of eyebrows (poor work of another master)
  • The image has become pale or “floated” over time
  • The color of the shade is not suitable
  • Use of low-quality pigment by another master
  • A great depth of pigment deposition, which excludes the procedure with a laser
  • Individual intolerance, the occurrence of allergies


  • Acute stage of any disease
  • The presence of pathologies that slow down tissue healing processes (diabetes, anemia, micronutrient deficiency, etc.)
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • HIV/AIDS positive rhesus
  • Skin diseases, infectious and non-infectious (psoriasis, ichthyosis)
  • The presence of factors affecting blood coagulation (hemophilia, taking coagulants, etc.)
  • Neoplasm in the area of the procedure
  • Presence of allergic reactions

Stages of the remover removal procedure:

  • Disinfection of the procedure area
  • Application anesthesia (at the request of the client)
  • Applying the remover to the desired area of the skin using a tattoo machine
  • Skin treatment with chlorhexidine, care recommendations and appointment for the next procedure.

Each procedure of the removal course should not take place more often than once a month.

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